Get Your Web Site Noticed, While Helping

Listen to our special audio message about our sponsorship opportunities. (MP3, 101 seconds)

Details about our New "Skyscraper" Ad! In our trials, this ad position pulled 5-10 times better than traditional advertising!
Listing a web site on is a free service. The purpose of is to help fundamental Baptist web site owners get more traffic to their site.

We have several sponsorship opportunities available for folks who would like to support and its goal AND get some additional exposure for their own web site. You get the additional exposure for your web site, and we get the financial support necessary to keep this free service up and running.

Our sponsorship rates are very low, particularly for a very targeted audience such as ours. For $4.25 we will give you 1,000 banner impressions (displays). If you require only top-of-page banner displays, then the cost is $5.75 per 1,000 impressions. If you wish to use our sponsorship opportunity to get banner impressions for a web site that is listed on, please login to your site's administrative page and order your impressions from there in order to get your member discount.

For complete pricing on the various advertising options available, including discounts for volume purchases, see our Advertiser's Kit (96K PDF).

Your banner ad must be in GIF format and be 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels high. The file size of the banner needs to be under 15K. Animated banners are fine. If you do not have a banner, we can create one for you for $25.

We reserve the right to reject or accept any sponsorship based upon our opinion, beliefs, and taste.

To request a sponsorship, send e-mail to Please include as much information as you can about your sponsorship, including the number of banner impressions you wish, the web site you are promoting, when you want to start, etc. We'll get back to you with all the details.

Other Ways to Support and Benefit You

Supporting Partner Program

Our Supporting Partner program offers many benefits over a one-year membership period in exchange for support. For complete details, see our Supporting Partners page.

New Left-hand Column Skyscraper Sponsorship

Trials of our new left-hand column "skyscraper" sponsorhip / advertisement have resulted in phenomenal click-through rates. Cost for this ad is: $275 for 50,000 impressions (about one month); $175 for 25,000 impressions; $99 for 12,500 impressions (about one week). Supporting Partners get a 10% discount off of these rates. If you are interested in this advertising opportunity, please contact us at

Bold-face listing

Your site can be listed in bold-face for one year for a one-time contribution of $18.