The purpose of FundamentalTop500 is more than just tracking which web sites get the most traffic. Our underlying purpose is to help the creators of web sites get more traffic to their sites by providing a FREE way for them to get additional exposure to fundamental Baptist, KJV Christians on the Internet.
It’s amazing how many wonderful resources exist out there for fundamental Baptists, yet many of the finest web sites have a very small amount of traffic. It doesn’t take long to learn that you can create the best web site on the Internet but that it is next to useless if you can’t get people to visit it. Most of the folks who create and maintain fundamental Baptist web sites do not have a marketing budget — or any budget, for that matter.
By providing a no-cost way for folks to publicize their web sites, we hope to encourage the future development of existing sites and the creation of additional fundamental Baptist web sites. At the same time, our resource provides a handy list of fundamental Baptist web sites for Internet users to “surf.”
In our effort to help web sites get more traffic, we are very conscious of the fact that we could potentially take traffic away from web sites. We absolutely don’t want users coming away from your site to ours, since that would defeat our chief purpose. To minimize that possibility, we have written our link code in such a manner that when someone clicks on our logo on your site, our site opens in a new window. That way, your site is still there and we minimize the risk of diverting traffic away from your site to ours. That is not real good marketing on our part, but our goal is to help publicize your site.